Thursday, December 27, 2012

US and India: cultural differences (as told by Sandeep, my colleague at DuPont)

Difference no. 1: We (not all, I am not talking about the elite class who get to see travel the world and are English speaking) can burp in public but blow our noses in private. On the other hand, In US people   never burp in public but blow their noses everywhere.

Difference no. 2:  In India, it's a common sight to see people sharing food when they dine. This not only happens withing the families but also among the friends. Whereas, in US this practice is rare, non-existent. Probably, this has to do with the people in US are independent, isolated, and a bit cold as compared with the people from India.

Awful news!

Got a sad news today from the MIT. They denied me a position in the class of 2015.  324 seats and 4000 applicants was not too tough for me before the result was out.  But now, after the result, the competition seems insurmountable.

Now, I am having serious second thoughts about the Stanford. should I send app to the Stanford or not. 90% of me says- "you have no chance". 10% says -"may be they like you". what do I lose if I apply there? well $265 ~ Rs. 14, 500, that's the application fee.

Hey, in this sadness and gloom that has surrounded me, I am forgetting a very important lesson that failure teaches you more than a success. so what have I learnt? At least one thing that all my future applications will be better than the MIT's. I have to make them better. Also, this failure has given me the energy for the rest of my applications.

As I write, I think I should apply to the Stanford too, not caring about the results. If i fail, I will learn. If i succeed, there will be celebrations. Both ways, I will benefit. So here I go again to send rest of my applications!

Sandeep, a colleague, told me a story about this movie inspired from real life "everything is incredible". This man, paralyzed from waist, has a dream of making a helicopter and he does this in 58 years. That's a limit of perseverance and determination . And this is what I need right now!


Friday, December 21, 2012

Here I am today, trying to write essays for Tepper and Ross. Unable to write, I am searching for the writer Gaurav in me. That's why I thought that I should write something here to activate/stimulate the writer in me.

I have been missing my kriya for three days straight. what to write??? ummmm.......

After thinking for 10 minutes, thinking what to write, got an idea. Let me write on the topic that i once thought i would write on. The topic is: "You will excel in sth you enjoy", or rather, "make your hobby your profession, you are bound to succeed". what we do in reality is make our work our hobby. we force ourselves to love the work we do, not realizing that love and hate can be forced upon you.

why we don't make our hobbies our professions. The simple reason is that we do not have hobbies in India.Only time we think about hobbies is when we have to fill a form that asks for hobbies. I remember asking a friend " whats your hobby". He took good 10 minutes to reply. I got my reply.

Now, the question arises why we dont have hobbies. I remember that my parents never had a hobby.
Just checked the dictionary definition of hobby- "Hobby: an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation"

Friday, December 07, 2012

Following are the problems Delhi is plagued with

Open manholes
Chaos of traffic on the roads
No red lights at certain intersections
People driving in the both direction on roads
Animals on the roads
Insufficient light on roads
One rain and the walls of bridges collapse
No water drainage during rains
Why there are electricity cuts when it rains
Broken roads
Violation of traffic rules
No lane system
People fear police

One bad news and my day is gone.

Wrote to poets and quants about my profile and asked them to evaluate my chances of getting into MIT Sloan, Haas, Kellog's , Stanford GSB and Ross and the reply I got spoiled rest of my day.

They say- "The XCS (extra curriculars) don't seem like a wow and 33 is on the older side. Those variables make me lean towards recommending you broaden your school list."

This is killing me.

Another negative on my side is that I have missed my first round deadlines of almost all schools.
Going for my Yoga Kriya. catch me later...

so let me write on what I like to do at my workplace:

I look for opportunities wherein people say -"this is impossible, this cannot be done". These situations give food to my creative abilities. I like it when people say "thank you" for the help I extend everyday to them.
I get an itch if some problem remains unsolved. I love to find solutions to problems that are normally thought to be unsolvable.
My last post got disappeared. Although, I do remember saving it.
yesterday's discussion with Rupali & PK-

We India are so corrupt that the bug has entered our bodies and does not intend to leave soon.
The effect Rupali says " Apple once wanted to set up shop in India (Bangalore) decided to back off because they found couple of forgery cases in their existing India office, resulting in complete loss of faith in business environment in India. Apple said that India has no ethics".
These examples are giving India  a very bad name as is evident by the degrading rating of India as far as business climate in India is concerned.